15%+15%+15%-15% = 6%

One of the most eye-opening aspects of investing is the impact of market declines on your total return.  If you make 15% in year 1, another 15% in year 2, another 15% in year 3, and then you lose 15% in year 4, you earn….6% annual return.  That one year of 15% loss cuts your four year annualized return to just 6%. read more

V53 Model Refinement Using Fidelity Economic Cycle Analysis

The linking of economic cycles with the technical investing algorithms is an important part of our ETF algorithm.  The model has been updated to Version 53 to include refined economic criteria.


In Version 53 the trade entry logic was further refined using an analysis that was conducted by Fidelity Investments and summarized in the table below.  As a result of this refinement the backtesting results (1/1/2003 – current period for our target ETF securities) for the algorithm have improved slightly: read more

George Dagnino Market Opinion January 27

In a post in SeekingAlpha on January 27th of this year (https://seekingalpha.com/article/4401277-market-and-earning-cycles-point-to-pause-in-2022 George Dagino wrote:


“The last bottom of the business cycle took place in March 2020. Growth should therefore show a peak in 2022, assuming the upward leg of the cycle is two years. This should be also the time growth in earnings will begin to slow down. read more